Step 1
Registration Fee is Gh.c25.00 

Note - Payment at Kedi Office 
Step 2
After payment, fill in your details for the registration. Upon submission, your registration form will be processed and handed to you. (Including your complete starter KIT and KEDI IDENTITY Number).
You are encouraged to get few of KEDI PRODUCTS for a try - Use the products, recommend the product to others. Order or buy your kedi products from our ONLINE STORE.

Benefits of Becoming a KEDI Member/Distributor

  • 20% Discount:  You enjoy massive 20% Discount on all Kedi Healthcare Products.
  • *Note that the Discount has already been applied
  • Training:  Unlimited access to Successful Tips on KEDI Multi-Level Marketing and Free business training from our qualified Team Builders.
  • Profit:  As a Kedi Distributor you are entitled to Profit when you sell the products to an un-registered Member at a retail price
  • Bonus:  You enjoy direct, indirect, leadership, honourary bonuses at month end.
  • Car Award:  an opportunity to own your dream car.
  • Villa Award:  an opportunity to own a house of your own.
  • Travel Award:  an opportunity to travel abroad.
  • Scholarship:  Based on top distributor's sales performance, Kedi Healthcare Nigeria Ltd will award their children scholarship, to cover their educational expenses in China every year.
  • Life Insurance Policy:  The company and the distributor will make a joint contribution to build the insurance fund in the first five years Benefit of the insurance fund for distributors will commence from the 6th year.
    Strar 8 and above distributors Distributors maximum contribution limit is just N500,000 NGN Insurance payment bonus can be made monthly If you withdraw before 5 years, your contribution is refundable *Terms and conditions apply


1.1 One ±star Consultant

To qualify:

Purchase a KEDI Business Kit (Cost Gh.c25.00)

Benefits: The distributor of this level orders at distributor’s price. He or She is qualified to have the 20%retail profit and sponsor others to KEDI business.

1.2 Two ± star Consultant

To qualify:

Make a once-off purchase of product for no less than 80BV or cumulative purchase for no less80BV.(about USD 1:00 or = 1BV)He/she will be promoted as two- star consultant in the month.

Benefit: The distributor of this level will receive 5% direct bonus on he/she direct BV.

1.3 Three star- consultant

To qualify:

Option 1 - Make a cumulative purchase of the product not less than 250BV.

Option 2 - Make a once-off purchase of product not less than 250BV.He/she will be promoted to three- star consultant in the month.

Benefit: The distributors of the level will receive 20% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.

1.4 Four-star Consultant

To qualify:

Option 1 - Among the whole direct networks, there are at least three network which contain one Three ± star consultant in one network and which h the CBV of the total network is at 1,000BVor more.

Option 2 - Among the whole direct network there are at least two networks contain one Three star consultant in each network and which the CBV of the total network is at 2,000BV or more.

Option 3 - Create a cumulative PBV of 1,000BV or more. He/she will be promoted as four star consultants in the month.

Benefits: The distributor of this level will receive 25% direct bonus on his/ her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.

1.5 Five star Consultant

To qualify:

Option 1 - Among the whole direct networks, there are at least three network which contain one Four star consultant in each network and which CBV of the total network is at 4,000BVor more

Option 2 - Among the whole direct network there are at least two network which contain one Four star consultant in each network, which the CBV of the total network is at 8,000BV or more. He/she will be promoting as five ±star consultant in the month.

Benefit & Responsibilities:

(1)At this level PBV of the distributor must be no less than 20BV in that specific month.
(2)The distributor of this level will receive 30% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
(3)When the group GBV of the distributor is no less than 500BV, he/she will receive 1% of the GBV of the first generation of SSD in that specific month as the Leadership Bonus.

1.6 Six ±star Consultant

To qualify:

Option 1 - Among the whole direct networks, there are at least three networks, which contain on Five-star consultant in each network, which CBV of the total network is at 20,000BV or more.

Option 2 - Among the whole direct networks there at least two network which contains one Five-star consultant in each network, which the CBV of the total networks is at 40,000BV or more. He/she will be promoted as six ±star consultant in that month.

Benefit & Responsibilities:

(1)At the level of PBV of the distributor must be no less than 50BVin the specific month.
(2)The distributor of this level will receive 35% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding.
(3)When the group GBV of the distributor is no less than 800BV, he/she will receive 1% of the GBV of the first generation of SSD and 0.5% of the GBV of in that specific month as the Leadership Bonus.

1.7 Seven- star Consultant

To qualify:

Option 1 - Among the whole direct networks, there are at least three network which contain one six-star consultant in each network, which the CBV of the total network is at 80,000BV or more

Option 2 - Among the whole direct networks, there are at least two networks which contain one six-star consultant in each network which the CBV of the total network is at 160,000BV or more. He/she will be promoted as seven-star consultant in the following month.

Benefit & Responsibilities:

(1)At this level PBV of the distributor must be no less than 100BV in that specific month.
(2)The distributor of this level will receive 40% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
(3)When the group GBV of the distributor is no less than 1,600BV, he/she will receive 1% of the GBV of the first generation of SSD 0.5% of the GBV of the second and third generation of SSD in that specific month as the Leadership Bonus.

1.8 Eight-star Consultant

To quality:

Option 1 - Among the whole direct networks, there are least three network which contain one seven-star consultant in each network, which the CBV of the total network is at 320,000BV or more.

Option 2 -Among the whole direct networks, there are at least two network which contain one seven star consultant in each network. which CBV of the total network is at 640,000BV or more. He/she will be promoted as eight-star consultant in the following month.

Benefit &Responsibility:

(1)At this level the PBV of the distributor must be no less than 200BVin the specific month.
(2)The distributor of this level will receive 45% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
(3)When the group GBV of the distributor is no less than 2,5000BV, he/she will receive 1% of the GBV of the third, fourth and fifth generation of SSD in that specific month as the Leadership Bonus.

[2]Honorary Bonus

The company give out 5% of its globally monthly sales revenue as the Honorary Bonus to be awarded status, among with which, One star manager shares 1%, Two-star manager shares 0.7%,and three star manager shares 0.5% o 0ne star director, Two star director, Three star director, four star director, five star, Director, Shares 0.5% respectively, Honorary Chairman shares0.25%.

The qualifying conditions and option for the direct bonus, indirect bonus and leadership bonus for honorary status distributor is consultant with those for Eight-star consultant. Upper Honorary status may at the same time obtain the bonus for lower status on the condition that he/she is also qualified as the lower honorary status distributor.

1. One-star Manager 

To qualify:

Among the whole direct networks there are at least two direct network containing one eight-star consultant in each network.

Benefit& Responsibilities:

(1)The PBV of the distributor must be no less than 200BV in that specific month.
(2)The distributor of this level will receive 25%direct bonus no his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
(3)When the group GBV of the distributor is no less than 2,500BV, he\she will receive 1% of the GBV of the first and second generation of SSD and 0.5% of the GBV of the third fourth and fifth generation of SSD in the specific month as the Leadership bonus.
(4) When the distributors BV, excluding those of eight star consultant downline network (of the specific month), is no less than 2,500BV, he/she will share the one-star manager Honorary Bonus (1%)

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