Friday, 19 January 2018

Comprehensive List Of Kedi HealthCare Products

Cordy Royal Jelly

Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarction, Anemia, Arteriosclerosis, Decrepitude.

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Nephritis, Hypertension, Poor Immune System, HIV Support, Malignant Cancer, Fibroid .

Vigor Essential

Impotence, Prostatitis, Prostrate Cancer, Mental Imbalance, Low Sperm Vitality.

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Cordy Active

Kidney Failure, Fatique, Low Appetite, Stress, Asthma, Poor Immune System, Aging.

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Golden Six

Female Infertility, Painful Mensuration, Diabetes 2, High Blood Pressure, Stroke.

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Facilitating Calcium Absorption, Immune System, Trauma, Fever, Infection.

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Weight Control, Detoxification, Balance Blood Sugar, Obesity, Hyperglycaemia.

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Malaria (Plasmodium Falciparum), Malaria and Multi-drug resistant Malaria.

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Chronic & Normal constipation, Halitosis, Insomnia, Dry skin, Acne, Freckels.

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Poor Sexual Drive (Poor Libido), Weak Sexual Organ, Low Sperm Count, Premature

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Eye Beta

Eye Problems, Diabetic Retinopathy, Myopia, Glaucoma, Cataracts.

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Blood Deficiency, Formation of Haemoglobin & Red Blood Cells, Providing Iron, Zinc etc.

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Chronic Hepatitis, Stomach and liver in-balance, Gastritis, Flatulence, Heart burn.

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Golden Hypha

Hepatitis (Chronic), Liver problem, Cancer, Dermatitis, Poor Immune system.

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Colon Cleanser

Clears Toxin, Accelerate Excretion, Stomach & Intestine Peristalsis, Boost Appetite.

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Refresh (Tea)

Clears the Throat, Refreshes the Spirit, Clears Heat, Improves the Eyes.

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7 Layer Day

Bad Odour, Blood Circulation, Enhance Immunity, Regulate Endocrine System.

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7 Layer Night

Bad Odour, Blood Circulation, Enhance Immunity, Regulate Endocrine System.


Inflammation of ovaries, Inflammation of uterine tracts, Pelvic Inflammatory disease.

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Diawell Tablet

Diabetes Type 2, Chronic Atrophic Gastris, Blood Sugar and Thirsty feeling.

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Eve's Comfort

Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrheal, Abnormal Pain, regulates menstruation.

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Cardibetter Tablet

Coronary Heart Disease, Blood Circulation, Angina Pectoris problems, Hypertension.

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Jointeez Pill

Osteoathritis, Rheumatism Arthritis, Muscle Joint sore, Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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Slimming Belt

Desired body shape, Burn fat and reduces weight, Aids the process of digestion.

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Blood Circulatory Inst

Sexual Disorder & Cardiac Function, Reumatism, Joint pain, arthritis, leg & back ache.

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VIP Chair Massager

Stress and muscle tension, Muscle cramps and stiffness, Lower blood pressure.

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Whole Body Wellness, Supports Healthy Heart, Joint and Brain Health.

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Promotes Bone Health and Nerve Function, Migraine, Osteoporosis, Hypertension.

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Aging, Infertility (Boost Sperm Concentration), Heart Disease, Prostrate etc.

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Cello Q10 SG

Cardiovascular Function, Reduce Oxidative Stress, Supports Energy Production.

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 AND THE "CRISIS OF ANTIBIOTICS" With more than 125,000 websites which speak of it, colloidal silver is undoubtedly one of current successes in terms of health products, at least in the United States.

So what is the reason for this passion? Simply amazing properties of this product: it removes a very large number of pathogenic bacteria, including strains resistant to antibiotics, as well as many viruses and parasites. It seems to cause no resistant strains. When prepared and administered properly, it is not toxic and has no side effects.

Could it be the last "leading edge" drug invented by modern science? Not exactly, since you can even produce it at home at a very reasonable cost and that medicinal use of metallic silver goes back to ancient times! In the first half of the twentieth century it was even one of the drugs most employees, especially against all kinds of infection. What is rather new is that, there are constantly refined techniques with which it is produced for some years which give it a degree of efficacy and safety previously unknown.

In fact, what exactly is it? Simply silver particles suspended or dissolved in distilled water. But they are not quite ordinary particles, since in the best available products; they "reach" sizes of less than a nanometer that is to say in millionth of millimeter! Ultramicroscopic particles of this size are able to penetrate inside cells and destroy viruses located in there.

The major interest and the crucial importance of such a product at our time are obvious when one examines the plight of modern medicine in its war against pathogenic microorganisms.

The thundering successes achieved initially with antibiotics had suggested that infectious diseases would ever disappear from surface of the globe. But with the appearance of resistant strains (in Japan in the late 50s), then with the gradual generalization of this phenomenon, we had eventually disillusioned. Even to the point that we have come to speak of a true "crisis of antibiotics".

Overprescribing them (e.g. for viral diseases over which they have no effect), their misuse (for too short or too prolonged treatment), the presence of traces of antibiotics in the food chain, all this has contributed to the occurrence of microbial strains able to resist antibiotics. In addition, side effects of antibiotics weaken the immune system and often create new problems, such as mycobacterium infections (Candida albicans). Resistive germs can transmit this faculty to other germs through mechanisms of gene transfer. In addition, they move on vast geographical spaces and thus establish strongholds in parts of the globe.

Is it to say that we are heading for a disaster scenario in which microbes now invulnerable will decimate humanity? Pessimists believe that it is not impossible and some experts’ statements are hardly reassuring:

"I see no hope in the short term to get new antibiotics active ingredients, said Andre Klier, of the Institute Pasteur. Today any approval [new drugs] requires a very accurate description of the biological mechanisms involved, simple safety not enough to authorities...."

All these molecules are not expected in the coming ten years. Indeed, the development and commercialization of new drugs is an extremely long and costly operation, so the phenomenon of resistance seems to outpace scientists. According to a report from the American Pharmaceutical Association 3 the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria is alarmingly.

For example, the Center for Control and Disease Prevention estimates that over the past five years, the resistance rates of Streptococcus pneumonia to penicillin has increased by over 300% and the resistance to cefotaxime by more than 1000%. With increasing strains of drug-resistant bacteria, there was an increase in mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases. In the United States, mortality from infectious diseases increased by 58% between 1980 and 1992 despite the introduction of powerful new antibiotics. This increase is partly due to the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.

United States, [approximately] 25 000 tones of antibiotics are prescribed each year by half to men and half to agriculture and animals. This is approximately [41 grams] of antibiotics [per person] per year. Considering antibiotics as'' valuable and limited resources'' is a change of attitude that is needed if we are to preserve the effectiveness of these agents Otherwise, the emergence of organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus with intermediate resistance to vancomycin, threatens to return us to the period before the development of antibiotics.

The routine use of antibiotics in animals has recently been questioned, because such a use seems to promote resistance to antibiotics used in humans and poses a risk to their health. It was found that resistant organisms can be transmitted from animals to humans through direct contact and food of animal origin. An earlier report (June 2000) published by the American 4 Health Ministry said: Hospitals have become a fertile environment for drug-resistant pathogens.

The close contact of patients and the intensive use of antimicrobials force pathogens to become resistant. Microbial resistance was manifested in the introduction of penicillin here nearly fifty years, with the rapid onset of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Today, hospitals around the world are facing an unprecedented crisis due to the appearance and rapid spread of other germs resistant to one or more microbial agents.

In 1992, statistics showed that more than 13 000 patients died in the United States from more infections caused by bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics. New studies published by Cdc5 show a sharp increase in bacteria resistant to drugs. Each year, an estimated 60 000 to 80 000 patients die from infections contracted in the hospital, and that over 50% of these deaths are due to bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics. Added to this is the sudden appearance of unknown viruses, such as the recent outbreak of "atypical pneumonia" that killed more than 800 victims and against which the only working weapon seemed to be quarantine! And the threat of “bacteriological terrorism,” whose envelopes "poisoned" with anthrax bacteria could be a foretaste! As chance would have it, some researchers have been led more or less incidental to rediscover colloidal silver thrown into oblivion in forty years.

However, at present, orthodox medicine ignores pretty much everything in his life; pharmaceutical companies are not interested in it (since it can be patented) and even perceive as a dangerous competitor that could threaten directly their financial interests. Indeed, if an astonishing twist of fate, this time it was colloidal silver that would one day supplant the antibiotics that it negates the large pharmaceutical companies a considerable source of revenue.

More worryingly, the administrative authorities of the countries concerned, probably in collusion with the pharmaceutical industry, are trying by all means and with evident bad faith to oppose its use and dissemination of information about him. So for now colloidal silver has joined the arsenal of medicines known as "parallel", which does not prevent some scientists to declare: "With the ascent of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, the money will end up in the position of a modern drug, because no pathogenic organism has managed to acquire immunity against it

"6. If the fight against germs and infection is the main function of colloidal silver, it has many more strings to its bow. A partial list of what can be accomplished: - Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and immunosuppressive properties, it immediately soothes burns, ulcers, allergies, insect bites, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, etc...

- It accelerates the healing of burns and wounds.

- It can be incorporated into the structure of extremely effective dressings. - It promotes bone and tissue regeneration. - It stimulates the immune system. - It contributes to the purification of water and air. - It can be used as a disinfectant of wastewater and swimming pools.

- It can be used on plants and animals. All these points will be subject to developments in the course of this book which also includes a large selection of testimonials provided by users of colloidal silver. They offer concrete evidence of the effectiveness of the product in most diverse cases, including serious reported “incurable” diseases by official medicine, such as hepatitis C As wonderful as can be a remedy, including colloidal silver, it must however be remembered that the last real "healer" is actually the body itself, with its immune system and its vital energy.

The true health is built patiently through a lifestyle and an adequate diet. We must also remember that, in our modern world, dangerous toxins have unfortunately become ubiquitous and pollute the air, water and food we eat, so it is essential to minimize absorption and maximize their disposal. By supporting our immune system, colloidal silver is also involved in the essentials tasks.

1 For a detailed study of the'' crisis'', see for instance the work of Jean-Paul Boye, life and death of antibiotics, Librairie de Medici, 2000. Sciences et Avenir 2, October 2002. 3 Combating Antibiotic Resistance [fight against antibiotic resistance], 2001. 4 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases]. 5 Centers for Disease Control 6 G. Zhao, SE Stevens, Multiple Parameters for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Escherichia coli to the Silver Ion, Bio Metals (11), 28, 1998.

A BRIEF HISTORY the germicidal properties of silver metal have been known since Antiquity. Greeks, Persians and Romans used silver containers for transporting and storing various liquids (water, wine, vinegar ...) destined rulers, nobles and privileged. These liquids and retained their freshness longer than other containers.

The money was has also manufacture cutlery and kitchen, a tradition which has continued until recently. It seems so regularly ingesting tiny particles of silver has helped strengthen immunity vis-a-vis certain diseases. It was also common practice to place parts of silver to the bottom of containers containing milk or food to preserve freshness, a method adopted later by the American pioneers.

The merits of these popular practices have also been shown by modern research. We were able to determine that silver metal dissolves in water at a rate of about 10 parts per billion, or 10 micrograms per liter, and that this dose nevertheless extremely low (0.01 ppm) is toxic-a-vis E. coli and Salmonella typhi.

1 In 1928, reviving the tradition, G A. Krause had the idea of placing a coating of silver in filtration systems for domestic purposes. In 1929, another researcher (Schweizer) reported that all pathogens were eliminated when the water was treated with silver particles carrying an electric charge. It also showed that this treatment was not harmful vis-a-vis the beneficial microorganisms.

Today the best water filters (like those of the Swiss company Katadyn) use silver to avoid contamination of filter candles, and many airlines use this type of filter on their flights. NASA selected a system of water treatment is based on silver for its space shuttles. Silver is also used by the Russians to sterilize water aboard space stations. In the U.S., some cities have chosen silver for wastewater treatment and swimming pools.

In Nebraska, we demonstrated the efficacy of decontaminant silver in a pool voluntarily polluted by E. coli. Passing through filters equipped with silver electrodes, this water has been completely purified in the space of three hours. Studies have revealed that the internal networks of water distribution in hospitals were primarily responsible for legionnaire's disease (a kind of pneumonia) acquired in hospital. In the U.S., most major hospitals have installed silver ionization systems / copper that helped eradicate L. pneumophilia by their networks of hot water.

These systems are homologous with the relevant authorities. In Japan, silver is used in several purification technologies and air in the workplace; it participated in the fight against toxins from the air and other industrial poisons. 1. Medical uses of silver the medical use of silver is also the heir of a long tradition.

The Macedonians placed silver plates on wounds to help them heal. Around 400 BC, Hippocrates taught that silver flower (extra-fine powder) healed ulcerated wounds. In 69 BC, silver nitrate was included in the Roman pharmacopoeia. In 78 Pliny the Elder wrote in his Natural History that silver has therapeutic properties and is “very effective’’ in wound healing when incorporated in plasters.”Gerber (702-765), founder of a Muslim school combining astrology and alchemy, reported that the silver nitrate has therapeutic properties.

Avicenna (980-1037), physician and Iranian philosopher, used silver to purify blood, including powder and silvery pills. Paracelsus (1493-1541), Swiss alchemist and physician, also advised the medical use of silver.

Chinese and Asian physicians were using silver in the manufacture of herbal tonic, and to treat infections, chronic suppuration, septic wounds, fevers and sinusitis. Silver is still used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), to treat fevers and other chronic intestinal inflammation, bladder hyperactivity and menorrhagia.

At the beginning of the eighteenth century an English researcher used silver in the treatment of epilepsy and other nervous disorders. In 1884, a German obstetrician, Franz Crede, whereas observing that a number of children were born blind after being exposed to venereal germs during their expulsion from the uterus, had the idea to instill into the eyes of new-born a 1% solution of silver nitrate.

With the introduction of this practice, the rate of new-born blindness fell rapidly from 10% to 0.2%. Consequently, this practice became mandatory in the U.S. and most European countries, and it continued even after the onset of antibiotics in 1940. In 1893, a Swiss botanist, Karl von Nageli, reported that bacteria that come into contact with a solution of silver nitrate (titrated to 10 parts per million) died in three or four minutes. In 1897, Dr. Benno C. Crede introduced the use of silver in colloidal2 medicine, speculating that he might possess the germicidal properties of silver salts without having toxicity. Subsequently, the colloidal silver was widely administered orally to fight against various bacterial infections (septicemia, rheumatic fevers, arthritis gonorrhea, diphtheria, cerebrospinal meningitis, etc...).

During the First World War, silver leaves were used to fight wounds infection, which was renewing the old tradition of Macedonians. In the early twentieth century, Western medicine had redone the proof of the remarkable therapeutic properties of silver. Therefore its use became general and silver became one of the most administered drugs, as well as taken orally in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections, gargles, drops (nose, eyes, and ears), and local applications. In 1938, there were over ninety medical preparations from a patented silver-based. The colloidal silver was then "orthodox" treatment and its manufacturers were noted among the names of major pharmaceutical companies like Merck, Schiff, Park Davis & Co. But from there, it will quickly give way to new substances that appeared to revolutionize medicine. The era of antibiotiques3 was just opened. They were a much simpler job and were much cheaper than silver-based products. The latter indeed were at the time very expensive (up to the equivalent of 200 Euros for a bottle of 30 ml or 2 tablespoons!) And the fact that rudimentary techniques were used for its production, it contained silver salts and / or very large particles, sources of potential toxicity if consumed excessive or for too long.. However, silver will remain in the pharmacopoeia as salts and a component that can be integrated in various preparations. The product most commonly used is silver nitrate, in particular for the treatment of warts, ulcers and new-born babies’ blindness. The silver sulfadiazine is currently used in hospitals worldwide for the treatment of burns. Some hospitals use catheters equipped with silver coating to minimize the risk of opportunistic infections. There are also remarkable dressings that send silver ions directly into the damaged tissue. 2. Silver in medical literature (1900-1940)

The magazine HELPFUL News5 has published a list of various diseases treated successfully by colloidal silver that were reported in medical literature. The list includes among others the following conditions: tonsillitis, appendicitis, gonorrhea, blepharitis, nasal catarrh, colitis, pertussis, cystitis, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, eczema (various forms), furunculosis, flu, hemorrhoids, impetigo, intestines (intestinal disorders), leukorrhea, Meniere syndrome (), cerebro-spinal meningitis, purulent ophthalmia of new-born babies, ear disorders , phlegmon, prostate (hypertrophy), pruritus ani, pyorrhea, rhinitis, inflammatory rheumatism , scarlet fever, septicemia, ringworm, typhoid, septic ulcers (leg), warts, bladder (irritation). One finds throughout medical literature periods of case studies and reports of experiments demonstrating the therapeutic efficacy of silver in various forms.

We give below some examples: In a book published in 19196, Dr Searle said that colloidal silver destroys toxins released by microbes. A study demonstrated that "its destructive action on toxins is very pronounced, so much so that it protects rabbits against a dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin ten times the fatal dose.”

Sir Malcolm Morris observes that silver had a very calming effect. It calms inflammation very quickly and accelerates healing of lesions. This doctor said he had achieved remarkable results against enlarged prostate with bladder irritation, eczema and hemorrhoids. Specific products among the many silver-based products employees during this period, the most common names were: argyrol, collargol, collosol argentum and electrargol.

Argyrol dark liquid was extremely sensitive to light, developed by a Prussian chemist, immigrated to the United States, Hermann Hille, associates Dr. Albert Barnes. In 1901 Hille had discovered a way to combine silver with vegetable protein. This product was a great success and was widely prescribed for more than fifty years. It dominated the market for ophthalmic antimicrobial throughout the first half of the twentieth century.

The product was subjected to clinical trials in 1902 and various specialists in large hospitals testified to its effectiveness. Encouraged by these results, Barnes and Hille founded a company that would establish the notoriety of argyrol. Dozens of specialists of all countries recognized it remarkable properties. In the company's advertising literature, professors of surgery, pharmacology, clinical chemistry, genitourinary medicine, oto-rhino-Iaryngologie and ophthalmology, among others, expressed opinions favorable to the argyrol, as to its effectiveness and its safety.

The lack of local toxicity was seen as a key advantage. argyrol was even recommended for internal administration, for its anti-inflammatory effects on "ulcerative enteritis". Suppositories containing 10-25% of argyrol were recommended for rectal problems. In 1904. argyrol sales totaled $ 100 000 and in 1907, $ 250 000.

Barnes became a millionaire at the age of 35! The collargol was a colloid produced by chemical means, a form of metallic allotropic silver soluble in water, which is in the form of small blue-black chips hard and brittle,. Once dissolved in water, these "scales" of silver are invisible, even under a powerful microscope. The addition of albumin prevented its precipitation by acids and salts. It is made of 85 to 87% of silver metal and a small percentage of albumins with the products of its oxidation.

The collosol argentum developed by chemist Crookes in 1911, was a combination of silver and oxide of silver in colloidal form obtained by a chemical method. He had such a concentration of 500 ppm. It was the subject of several articles in medical journals of that time. Dr. James Castle8 reported cure of a case of sprue, an intestinal disease characterized by chronic diarrhea frequent and abundant.

Another article9 presents several cases of eye problems treated with this product: eye infections, corneal ulcers, interstitial keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. The author notes that the collosol argentum gives results better than those obtained with other remedies available to it (including silver nitrate and mercuric oxide).

Dr. WJ Simpson10 experimented in vitro germicidal properties of collosol argentum the typhoid bacillus. All cultures were killed in 15 minutes with a solution of 2000 ppm, in 30 minutes with 500 ppm, and with 10 ppm in 2 h.

Dr. Sanderson-Wells11 describes a case of severe sepsis that no treatment known at the time could stop. Collosol argentum Injections were administered at a dose of 20 cm3 every forty-eight hours. There was a dramatic improvement the day after each injection, without side effects. Another Article 12 reports the case of a woman aged sixty-two years admitted in the hospital with a wound in the occipital area of about 3.5 cm long. She complained of severe headache, had a high temperature at night and showed all the signs of toxemia.

No precise diagnosis could be established, except that the wound refused to heal. After one week an isolated spot cellulitine appeared on her forehead. The woman now resembled a dying woman. She was given an injection of 10 cm3 of collosol argentum. We noted an immediate and dramatic improvement, and two days later the cellulitine had virtually disappeared. The treatment was repeated and the patient left the hospital two weeks after admission.

Two doctors13 write about collosols: Chemists and doctors performed many other experiments ... all attesting to the value of bactericidal collosols. One might think that a liquid containing only a portion of colloidal metal in 2000 ml of fluid [or a concentration of 500 ppm] would be too low to have any action, but this is not the case. At this concentration, there are at least 20 billion active metallic particles in 1cm3 (15 drops) of colloidal silver properly prepared and one of the great advantages of colloidal elements at a concentration as low is their complete safety. Elements in the colloidal state do not all have germicidal action.

According to research of Crookes, one can establish the following classification: - No germicidal action: gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, tantalum, cadmium, magnesium, tin, graphite, selenium, sulfur. - Mild germicidal action: bismuth, lead, aluminum, zinc, copper. - Strong germicidal action: thorium, cobalt, silver, mercury, antimony, cyanide mercury, mercuric chloride, arsenious acid. ... [The] experiments [were] made with collosols silver and mercury in normal concentration of 1 part per 2000 ml [500 ppm]. In each case, B.colicommunis was killed in ten seconds ...

Several comparative tests were carried out with gonorrhea ... Results: absolutely no development [bacteria]. Many series of similar experiments gave similar results. For example a strong culture of tubercle bacilli was killed by colloidal silver (1 part to 2000 ml) in four minutes. Staphylococcus pyogenes, various Streptococci and other pathogenic organisms were killed in three or four minutes. There is no known microbe that was shot in six minutes by this colloid in laboratory experiments. The électrargol was prepared by electrolysis and had a concentration of 40 ppm; its particles, measuring between 10 and 100 had nanomètres14 an electrical charge. It can be considered the forerunner of modern products. Two important articles were dedicated to it:

In the first15, Dr. Duhamel of the Paris Faculty of Medicine, notes that the most remarkable effects are obtained following intravenous and boasts the superiority of the products obtained by electrical method over those obtained by chemical means. This colloidal silver has yielded remarkable results in treating the lungs and pleura. "In some cases, he says, patients were saved from seemingly inevitable death.”He says that this product causes no pain, irritation or toxic reaction.

In the second section 16, Dr. van Amber Brown noted two therapeutic actions of électrargol. First, it is a powerful germicide: in an experiment, the électrargol was introduced into colonies of virulent streptococci, cultures were then transplanted into a new environment. Colonies that had come into contact with the product did most reproduced. Secondly it stimulates the immune system: the other effect observed is the leukocytosis (increased white blood cells), indicating stimulation of the immune system. Another experiment is also cited: a rabbit received an injection and électrargol twelve hours later an injection of virulent streptococci. An experimental rabbit received the same dose of streptococci and died after one week.

Rabbits previously treated with électrargol remained in perfect health. This article reports among others a severe case of septicemia treated intravenously with électrargol. Within three days, the symptoms regressed and the subject then fully recovered. * * * After this brief overview of the medical uses of silver in the pre-antibiotic period we will examine in the next two chapters the circumstances of its return and the new studies of which it is the subject. ____________

1 G.V. James, Water Treatment, 4th edition, CRC Press, 1971, p.38.

2 That is to say money in the form of microscopic particles dispersed in water.

3 Discovered by Fleming in 1928, its first clinical trials did not begin until 1941 at the University of Oxford.

4 See Appendix 3. Vol 5. 9, No. 12, January 1993. 6 AB Searle, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, E. P. Dutton & Co, New York, 1919. 7 British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917. 8 Castle, James, Some Recent Observations on Sprue [Some recent observations on the sprue], Br itish Medical Journal, November 15, 1912. 9 Roe, A. Legge, Argentum Collosol Ophthalmic and Its Uses [Collosol Argentum and its uses in ophthalmology], British Medical Journal, January 16, 1915, p.104. 10 Simpson, WJ, Experiments on the Germicidal Action of Colloidal Silver [Experiments on the germicidal action of colloidal silver], The Lancet, December 12, 1914, p.1359. 11 Sanderson-Wells, TH, A Case of Puerperal Septicaemia Successfully Treated with Intravenous Injections of Collosol Argentum [A case of puerperal sepsis successfully treated with intravenous injections of collosol argentum] The Lancet, February 16, 1916, p.258. 12 British Medical Journal, January 22, 1927. 13 Marshall, CR, and Killoh, GB,The bactericidal action of collosols silver and mercury, British Medical Journal, January 16, 1915. 14 Nanometer: 1 nm = one thousandth of a micron. 15 Duhamel, BG, Electric Metallic Colloids and Their Therapeutic Applications, The Lancet, January 13, 1912. 16 Brown, G. Amber van, Colloidal Silver in Sepsis, Journal of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, January 1916. pp.. 136-141. THE RESURRECTION OF SILVER As already mentioned, silver will be forgotten during the "golden age" of antibiotics (1940-1965). These new drugs seemed to perform miracles, they were much cheaper and had a job easier than products made of silver and then they began to bring huge profits for their manufacturers. However, their disadvantages were gradually found, so that the mid-sixties, through the work of some researchers, silver would make his return to the medical scene.

1. Treatment of burns and ulcers In the mid-60s, Dr. Carl Moyer, chairman of the Department of Surgery at Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) received a research grant to develop better treatment for burn victims. Moyer, biochemist Harry Margraf and other surgeons worked together on this project. They had to find a antiseptic that is both powerful and safe enough to be safely applied on large areas of the body. The team experienced twenty-two antiseptic components before trying a solution 0.5% silver nitrate.

This solution effectively killed Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of major infections in burns, but had some disadvantages (silver nitrate stains and is irritating). Finally, after reviewing the medical literature, Margraf had the idea to try colloidal silver, he found that this product was non-irritating and allowed healing of burns without necrosis or side effects. Following this research, he drew the following conclusion: silver is the best general germicide action we have. Popular antiseptics such as mercurochrome and merthilate can be used on small areas. Many iodine radiopharmaceuticals are effective, but a number of people are allergic to iodine.

Alcoholic solutions, nitrogen peroxide [hydrogen peroxide] and other antiseptics can be used on small cuts, but are too painful on important wounds.1 in 1968, Dr. Charles FOX2 synthesized a component combining silver nitrate and sulfadiazine which proved fifty times more effective than sulfadiazine alone. As soluble ointment, it was used for the first time on a large scale during the Vietnam War. The silver sulfadiazine has become the number one drug in the world for treatment of burns. In addition, numerous studies have proven its effectiveness against a wide range of bacteria, extracellular virus, fungi and protozoa.

in another clinical study by Margraf and published in Archives of Surgery, 339 skin ulcers on 400 have been substantially improved with applications of a component based on zinc and silver. Within a week, this component reduced by 99% the number of bacteria in the ulcer.

1. Orthopedic therapy in the years 1978-1985, Robert O. Becker3 an American orthopedic surgeon, and his associates undertook research on the use of silver ions in orthopedic therapy. A few years earlier, they had studied the action in vitro of electrocolloïdal silver.

Their experiments showed that the positive pole of a silver electrode in a low current circuit (100 to 200 nanoamperes per centimeter of electrode) kills all types of bacteria within a radius of 12.5 mm. In a first article 4, he reports the action of silver on sixteen microorganisms: various strains of staphylococci and streptococci, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia, Proteus mirabilis and Providencia stuartii. The minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations were extremely low. All organisms were inhibited at a concentration of 1.25 mcg / ml or less of colloidal silver and killed at a concentration of 10.05 mcg / ml or less (respectively 1.25 ppm and 10.05 ppm).

These concentrations were ten to one hundred times lower than those required with silver sulfadiazine. They also studied the effect of this solution on mammalian cells (mouse) and observed no negative effects. In a second article3, the team of Dr. Becker reports the results of experiments in yeast. Several species of Candida and Torulopsis species were inhibited at very low product concentrations (from 0.5 to 4.7 mcg / ml, 0.5 to 4.7 ppm, according species) and killed at concentrations of 1.9 mcg / ml to more than 15 mcg / ml as species (1.9 to more than 15 ppm).

This research also showed that the silver ions generated electrically were more effective against yeasts than silver sulfadiazine and silver nitrate. Capabilities of silver still went far beyond this germicidal action. Dr. Becker's work showed that silver allowed the broken bones or crushed to regenerate more rapidly and more completely than all other treatments used so far.

It appeared that the money also stimulated tissue regeneration while preventing wounds from being infected. Open wounds were treated by means of a nylon fabric impregnated with silver and soaked in saline and then loaded with a potential of 0.9 volts (Dr. Becker perceived that a higher voltage resulted in the electrolysis of tissue). This technique allowed Dr. Becker to cure bones and adjacent tissues in 75 cases reported.

He used then to treat severe skin injuries. In his important book, The Body Electric (1985), he reports the spectacular results obtained with silver therapy in case of a broken leg (tibia and fibula). This fracture refused to heal for eighteen months and more, the leg was infected with five types of bacteria that had not responded to antibiotics 6. .

In desperation, prior to amputation, Dr. Becker treated the leg with silver ions: I unrestrained the wound, removing dead tissue and bone fragments that were dead or extremely infected. After that, there was not much! A gaping trench stretched almost from knee to ankle. In the operating room we soaked a large piece of silver nylon in saline solution and we have spread over the wound.

We kept this up by stuffing tissue with gauze soaked in salt solution and we bandaged the leg. Then we connected the battery ... [After about two weeks of this treatment] all our bacterial cultures were sterile; all five types of bacteria that infested the wound were all dead. The scar tissue was developed and began to cover the bone ... The skin also began to push and we were abandoned our plan to transplant. I decided to make a radio to see the extent in damage to the bone level. By examining the cliché, i could hardly believe my eyes.

We could clearly see that the bone was pushing back! ... I removed the plaster and I have found while touching the leg that the pieces were now all joined. The mechanism by which silver ions regenerate tissues was examined by Dr. Becker for over ten years, on hundreds of cases. He believes he can discern three successive stages - Inactivation of bacteria or mycobacteria present in the wound (20 to 30 minutes), following the chemical action of free silver ions, extremely active. - Action on silver that makes fibroblastes7 board in an embryonic state, the stem cells, and universal components whose role is to produce new tissue. - The silver ions form a complex with living cells around the wound to produce immediately convertible stem cells. The net result of this conversion is that stem cells provide all components necessary to completely restore all anatomical structures. Dr. Becker said that no other known treatment provides embryonic cells (stem cells) in sufficient numbers to produce a true regeneration for damaged or destroyed tissues in humans and animals. This indicates, according to him, that it is also the potential element for regeneration of internal organs (heart, brain and spinal cord). In conclusion of these studies, Dr. Becker said, [We] rediscovered the fact that silver killed bacteria, which was known for centuries ... It kills even the strains resistant to antibiotics and is also effective against fungal infections. He heals the toughest infections caused by all kinds of bacteria and stimulates healing of the skin and other soft tissues. 2. Action on cancer cells

In the 70s a radiologist from Stockholm, Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom showed the action of silver on cancerous tumors. He passed an electric current through needles inserted into silver large tumors and found that this method could reduce the mass of these tumors the action of silver on cancer cells was confirmed by Dr. Becker In 1979. After finding that the silver ion produces the electrically dedifferentiate normal human fibroblasts, Dr. Becker was asked if the same phenomenon would reproduce on human cancer cells. By studying the fibrosarcoma malignant cells (cancerous fibroblasts), he found that their rampant mitosis (division) could be stopped by the electrically injected silver ions. He also noticed that a current 10 micro amps stimulated the growth of cancer cells.

But by associating an appropriate current level to the diffusion of silver ions, he performed a dedifferentiation of cancer cells (that is to say, they ceased to be cancerous). Dr. Becker also reported the following case 8: One of my patients suffering from severe chronic bone infection and had an associated cancer in the wound. He refused amputation ... and asked that his infection is treated by the technique of silver. At after three months the infection was halted and cancer cells of the wound appeared normal. The last time I heard from him, eight years after the treatment, he was always healthy. We must realize that this is not just an electric effect, but the combined action of electric voltage and silver ions produced electrically. It is an electrochemical treatment. But these promising findings were not further exploited. Indeed, in January 1980, mainly for political reasons, Dr. Becker was deprived of his Research credits and forced to close his laboratory.

Dr. Robert Brooks (New Zealand) reports that researchers studying metal effects on cancer cells discovered that silver components were "potentially" cytotoxic vis-à-vis the B16 melanoma in vitro and showed a good activity vis-à-vis ... of leukemia in mice. The silver complexes ... were as active against ... reticular sarcoma cells.9 Dr. Gary Smith, who did research on cancer, said that generally success of a cancer treatment depends on the silver in the body and that its failure is the result of lack of silver: When present, cancer cells dedifferentiate and the body recovers. When the rate of silver is zero, cancer continues to grow because the cells cannot dedifferentiate.

I suspect that lack of silver could be one reason for the existence of the main cancer and the speed at which it répand.10 ____________ 1Margraf H., and al. Effectiveness of antibacterial colloidal silve], Surgical Forum (17), 1996, p. 76 to 78. 2 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. 3 Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse University, New York. 4 RO Becker, et al, Electrically Generated Silver Ions: Quantitative Effects on Bacterial and Mammalian Cells [Silver Ions electrically generated: quantitative effects on the cells of bacteria and mammals],

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, February 1976, p. 357-358. 5 RO Becker, and al, Antifungal properties of metal ions electrically generated, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, November 1976, p. 856-860. 6 The lack of an adequate circulatory system in the bone makes antibiotics ineffective (circulating in the blood) the treatment of bone infections. 7 cells young, poorly differentiated, connective tissue precursors. 8 Cross-Currents, p. 165. 9 Noble Metals and Biological Systems, CRC Press, 1992. 10 Cited in Colloidal Silver, A Special Report, by Alexandre Duarte, p. 8. 3 NEW REVIEWS OF COLLOIDAL SILVER The work of two pioneers mentioned above, Drs Becker and Margraf, sparked a renewed interest in colloidal silver, and other studies were undertaken to request manufacturers or nonconformist’s doctors who knew the potential therapeutic silver.

The 1995 publication of the book by Dr. Färber (The Micro Silver Bullet) did much to educate the public and doctors. In this book Dr. Farber says among others how, thanks to colloidal silver, he got rid of the Lyme1 disease which had left him three-quarters paralyzed and with a mycobacteria infection (Candida albicans). The information began to circulate by word of mouth and handicrafts manufacturers began to offer products.

With the expansion of the Internet, information on colloidal silver quickly spread among the public. 1. Bacteriological tests new bacteriological tests have demonstrated once again the effectiveness of silver colloid in vitro against a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Here are some examples UCLA Medical Laboratories, 1988 A study concluded that silver solutions were antibacterial analyzed vis-avis Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus of Neisser, Gardnerella vaginalis, Salmonella typhi and other enteric pathogens (at concentrations of 105 per milliliter). They were fungicides vis-à-vis Candida albicans, Candida globate and Mr. furfur.2 Temple University, Philadelphia, 1995

Helen Buckley3 used very small doses of colloidal silver on several varieties Candida albicans (yeast) and several cryptococcal (mushrooms, stem neoformans, often fatal to AIDS patients). In both cases their development has been stopped and the strains were killed.

Professor Earl Henderson3 and the Unit of Biochemistry Laboratories Upjohn (1991) and the University Medical Center of Geneva (1992), have a very important discovery, namely that silver is the most effective inhibitor of rennin and of the protease of HIV. Professor Henderson reports: We found the ability of biotic proteinate silver to inhibit reproduction of the human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) in T cells Human Sup T1 ... We found that the pure silver proteinate inhibited HIV-1 reproduction in Sup T1 ... There seems to have virtually no acute toxicity associated with the dose of biotic proteinate silver, which inhibited reproduction of HIV-1 ...

These results are very encouraging and inviting further experiments On 20 March 1995, Professor Henderson published the results of another experiment: my laboratory has studied the effects of a special formulation of biotic proteinate silver on the survival of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), ... the Results of ... experience show that HIV-1 is completely eliminated after exposure to a special formulation of silver proteinate to 1000 ppm for one hour at 37 ° C. Rocky Mountain Laboratories, 1995 Dr. William Burgdorfer4 tested in vitro proteinate silver to 1500 ppm on bacteria that cause Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes). These bacteria disappeared in less than five minutes and twenty-four hours later none of the crops treated contained any living spirochetes. Similar results were observed with another bacterium B. hermsii (HS-1), the agent of relapsing fever.

University of Rome, 1992 Following a study on the use of money in conservation, the authors conclude: The mode of action [colloidal silver], its effectiveness at low concentrations and its stability indicate that Ag + could be profitably used in the preservation industry.

Our experiments showed the antimicrobial activity which was in contact with Ag (e) was higher than that of AgNO3 [silver nitrate] against gram-positive and gram-negative, C. albicans, and a filamentous fungus. Our contact tests confirmed excellent antibacterial spectrum and high potency of electrically generated silver. Anodic silver ions are very effective agents at low concentrations without adverse effects on normal mammalian cells, and [low] concentrations required to inhibit bacteria in vitro experiments were confirmed by clinical5 data .

Experiences of Dr. Bradley Brooks Several years ago we made fairly comprehensive assessments of various protocols promising effective results against various pathogens that cause food poisoning. The only protocol effective against ALL Colloidal Silver agents was evaluated. A 5 ppm solution proved effective against all pathogens tested, fully developed in 6 to 8 minutes ...and that of the concentration of the pathogen. Sometimes the results were obtained with extremely weak solutions of 5 ppm colloidal silver to 50,000 parts of solution contaminated agents.

Among the agents tested, there were among others: Botulinum, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Listeria (for bacteria), the Norwalk-like virus, and hepatitis A.6 2. Électrocolloïdal ionic solutions tests Professor Ron Leavitt7 and microbiologist David Revelli7 conducted in 1999 a series of tests on bacteria with the ASAP Solution ® product of the company American Biotech Labs.

From these tests, the ASAP Solution ® has killed sixteen different strains of bacteria, including the following diseases: pneumonia, eye infections, skin infections, toxic shock syndrome, meningitis, food poisoning, osteomyelitis, bacillary dysentery, infections of the throat and sinus, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, infected wounds, bacteremia, lower respiratory tract infection, scarlet fever, impetigo, endocarditis, dental plaque and tooth decay (see table p. 22). In addition a comparative study of effects of colloidal silver and some antibiotics (see table p. 23) showed that the ASAP Solution ® has averaged more strong ability to kill bacteria that used four of the five antibiotics to which it was compared. None of the tested antibiotics has the same efficiency of each strain bacteria, while the ASAP Solution ® kills them all! Jason Henry8 tested the same product on pathogenic yeast (S. cerevisiae).

He reports: Obviously a single application [Product] to 10 ppm was capable to stop the development of a small population of yeast for twenty-four hours, which allowed the immune system to have time to react. In addition, multiple applications of 10 ppm would likely prevent the growth of yeast indefinitely.

The most recent tests have demonstrated the in vitro effectiveness of the ASAP Solution ® on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis and the yeast Candida albicans. Staphylococcus aureus can cause serious blood poisoning when entered in a wound. It became totally resistant to penicillin, which was once the treatment of choice. Methicillin took over, but resistant strains are spreading increasingly, especially in hospitals, and put in danger those they infect.

The ASAP Solution ® at 10 ppm killed 91.6% of MRSA in ten minutes, 98.8% in thirty minutes, and 99.5% in one hour (the concentration of bacteria was 6 million CFU / ml). The other two mentioned: microorganisms, Trichomonas vaginalis and C. albicans, which cause many problems especially in women, they were eliminated almost 100% in just ten minutes with the ASAP Solution ®. In January 2004, American Biotech Labs has announced that its product had demonstrated its ability to kill the spore coal.

In independent tests conducted by one of the most large commercial laboratories in the country, the ASAP Solution ® has killed 93% of anthrax spores in four hours at room temperature to as body temperature and over 99% spores in the space of six hours at body temperature. This same product has also been reported in vivo in the section that follows:

Professor Mark Farinha9 has conducted various studies (in 2000) with the silver Colloidal SilverKare against bacteria and fungi. He reports: As can be seen from the summary data and graphics, the antimicrobial SilverKare is extremely effective. Its action is very fast on a broad spectrum of microorganisms, including some normally considered resistant to antibiotics (see table p. 22). 2.

In vivo experiments cow mastitis: field research on the use of silver colloids against mastitis cow has recently been made with several herds in some states of the Midwest. All infected cows received injections of 515 ppm of colloidal silver. At 5 ppm, four of the six bacterial strains were eliminated. However, E. coli resisted and had to administer 15 ppm for its complete elimination. Following this treatment, the presence of silver in milk was undetectable after four drafts ... Studies are ongoing to obtain FDA approval for treatment of Dairy Cows.10 Dr. Victor Marcial Vega: Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, oncologist and director of a health center in Florida.

He has treated hundreds of cases of viral pneumonia, fungal and bacterial infections. Among all existing treatments, it is the product nebulizing a silver-based colloidal that proved most effective. He believes that this treatment is also effective against Anthrax spores. To prevent anthrax, he recommends fogging daily with 4 cm3 of colloidal silver.

He used to treat neonates fogging for the elderly and AIDS patients, and obtained excellent results without side effects. Medical studies confirm the role of new anti-viral11 silver ions in vitro and in vivo, including against organisms as powerful as HIV12 and herpes viruses .13 ASAP Solution ®: This product has been tested on sixty patients in hospitals in Ghana, to explore the possibility of substituting the antibiotic.

The results were so evident that the Food and Drug Board of Ghana has already approved this colloid silver solution to give new drug status. The product was used in all kinds of cases, including: malaria, infections mycobacterial skin, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, lower respiratory tract infections, problems of the nose and sinuses. Of the sixty cases treated, eight were malaria, a disease that kills in about a year and a half million people, mostly children.

This is the second infectious disease in the world in terms of casualties. Physicians report that eight cases of malaria treated with the ASAP Solution ® has been completely cured in the space of seven days only.

2. Mechanisms of action the mechanisms of silver, copper and other metals that have germicides properties are not all known with absolute certainty. One of the mechanisms generally recognized is the interaction of metals with the cell walls. Silver has a very high affinity for proteins and binds easily with anion and groups of sulfhydryl and enzymes. Essentially, silver reacts with the cell wall of the bacterium. This is composed of proteins related by amino acid and to give it resistance and stability.

These structural proteins are called peptidoglycan. Silver reacts with peptidoglycans exposed by blocking their ability to transfer oxygen (energy) in the cell and thereby inactivates the bacteria that eventually die ... Mammalian cells are completely protected by a coating different from peptidoglycan on which silver has no effect. Any cell that does not have a wall resistant to chemical level is vulnerable to the action of silver. This includes all bacteria and other organisms lacking cell walls, for example extracellulaires viruses.

14 in 1993, researchers demonstrated the ability of silver to damage cell membranes of bacteria. Using radioactive isotopes of silver (sulfadiazine Silver against Pseudomonas aeruginosa), they examined the dead bacteria and found that silver ions were attached to the walls and cell membranes. This produced types of vesicles from which emerged the potassium and other metabolites, a phenomenon resulted in the death of bacteria.

The same researchers found that silver also formed a complex with DNA of bacteria. Another researcher found that silver ions could easily penetrate the cell walls of yeasts. Silver migrates through the cytoplasm of yeast and is attached to the DNA, preventing the yeast from reproducing. ____________

1 bacterial infection transmitted by ticks, often difficult to diagnose, leading mostly to rashes, fever and headache, the disease triggers arthritis and nervous disorders. It is named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA, where it was reported for the first time. 2 Medical Laboratories, University of California at Los Angeles, unpublished letter by Dr. Larry C. Ford, 1/11/88. 3 Departments of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia.

4 Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Health (agency of the U.S. Department of Health). 5 Simonetti and Al, Ag + electrochemical conservation, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, December 1992. Research at the Institute of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Rome. 6 Document Internets.

7 Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah). 8 University of California at Davis. 9 Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas. 10 the Silver Healthy Metal [Money, a metal health]. The Silver Institute Newsletter, December 31, 1999. 11 Oka et al., Inactivation of Enveloped Viruses by a Silver-Thiosulfate Complex, Metal-Based Drugs, 1 (5-6), p. 511.

In 1994. 12 W. Dean et al., Reduction of Viral Load in AIDS Patients with Intravenous Mild Silver Protein [Reduced viral count among AIDS patients with the silver proteinate intravenous], Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine, 2 (1). pp.. 48 - 53, Spring 2001.

13 Coleman V.R. et al., Off Herpes virus homini of types 1 and 2 by silver nitrate in vitro and in vivo, Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy (4), p. 259, 1993.

14 the Healthy Metal Silver, The Silver Institute Newsletter, December 31, 1999. Results of microbiological tests performed with ASAP Solution ® and SilverKare T Micro-organismes Test n° 1 ASAP Solution inhibited killed at a concentration of (ppm) Test n° 2 SilverKare (30 ppm) CFU / ml missing in in billions less than (mn) E.

coli Enterobacter aerogenes Enterobacter cloacae fecal enterococci Haemophilus influenza Klebsiella oxytoca Klebsiella pneumonia Proteus vulgaris Pseudommas aeruginosa Salmonella Arizona Salmonella typhimurium Serratia marcescens Shigella boydii Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus: strains antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus epidermis of the fecal streptococci Streptococcus gordonii Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus pneumonia Streptocoques pyogenes Mycobacteria Aspergillus niger Candida albicans Trichophyton mentagrophytes 2,5 2,5 2 4 Test # 1: made by Ron Leavitt and David Revelli (BYU). Test # 2: performed by Mark Farinha (University of North Texas). * CFU: colony forming units (initial concentration of viable micro-organisms). 4 TOXICITY 1.

Toxicological studies t should be noted that so far no long-term clinical study has been conducted concerning the safety or effectiveness of colloidal silver, but it must be emphasized that no cases of toxicity has been reported regarding pure silver électrocolloïdal (that is to say not containing silver salts, or additives or stabilizers of any kind). This can be explained by the low concentrations normally used (ie a very small amount silver is absorbed) and the incredibly small size of silver particles contained in the best products (which means that silver is easily eliminated by the body and does not accumulate there).

All studies and toxicological data used by official bodies refer to salts or silver components. One can not extrapolate these data to high quality silver électrocolloïdal such as is found today because it has nothing to do with these products. However, for guidance, we will quote some of these studies. Reference Dose The EPA1 established for silver an oral reference dose and a critical oral dose. -The oral reference dose (RfD) is an estimate of daily exposure limit for the duration of human life (70 years). Exposure means no appreciable limit risk of adverse effects.

The RfD was set at 5 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day, or 350 mcg for an adult of 70 kg, which would correspond to the daily intake for 70 years to 35 ml, or 7 teaspoons, colloidal silver 10 ppm. - The oral dose is critical to the daily amount not to exceed. It has been estimated at 15 meg / kg, 1.5 mg for a 70 kg adult, this would correspond to 105 ml, or 7 tablespoons, a solution of colloidal silver ppm 0 to1. lethal dose In an experiment conducted in 1931, Dr. Shouse and Whipple2 injected 500 mg of Collargol (a compound containing 87% silver and 13% protein) to a dog weighing 23 kg (approximately 19 mg of silver per kilo).

The animal died twelve hours later. His death was attributed to pulmonary congestion and edema. For a man of 70 kg this is equivalent to 1.324 g of silver (132.4 liters of a solution colloidal silver 10 ppm!). These doctors also noted that doses of 200 to 300 mg collargol (equivalent to 53 to 80 liters of 10 ppm colloidal silver!) were well tolerated. Obviously we are far enough from a few tablespoons "authorized" by the EPA! silver sulfadiazine MS Wysor3 administered to mice with high doses of silver sulfadiazine (30% of silver) every day for a month. He reports: Doses of 1.05 mg / kg administered orally and subcutaneously were proven non-toxic ... No animals died in both experimental groups in the month that the experiment lasted.

At the end of this period, all animals were sacrificed ... Histological studies showed the absence of obvious pathology in both groups that received silver sulfadiazine. there was no weight loss, no evidence of changes in behavior. No animal had diarrhea. For a 70 kg man, this amount corresponds to 73.5 mg of sulfadiazine silver, or 22 mg of silver, equivalent to the silver contained in 2.2 liters of colloidal silver at 10 ppm (daily for one month!).

Obviously, that all these experiences suggest is that the amount of ingested colloidal silver for therapeutic use is unlikely to reach the figures advanced for toxicity. And then again insist on this point, the products used in these experiments can not anyway be compared to those discussed here. Silver and cancer the proceedings of the Conference on the role of metals in carcinogenesis (1981) indicate that silver is not a suspect metal in terms of formation of cancer. Other studies have shown that neither silver nitrate nor silver chloride were mutagenic.

Studies on rats (monthly injections of silver powder suspended metal) concluded that this practice would not cause cancer. (We noted earlier that in fact it seemed able to regress tumors, cf. p.15.) high quality électrocolloïdal solution test We still have at least one toxicity test related to colloidal silver as used today.

To ensure the safety of its product, the American Biotech Labs company asked an independent laboratory to carry out a toxicological study of its product ASAP Solution ® at 22 ppm. This solution was administered to rats at 5 g / kg. the laboratory summarizes the results: Under the conditions of this study, we don 't observed in rats no deaths or signs of obvious toxicity.

The test product (ASAP Solution ®) is not considered toxic at a dose of 5 g / kg orally in rats. This dose would correspond to a man 70 kg to 350 g or 350 ml of solution; that is to say to 770 ml of a solution at 10 ppm (more than three quarters of a liter). 3. Individual experiences David Beebe narares his experience: I personally ingested 28 liters [of Colloidal silver] to 30 ppm and about 4 liters to 150 ppm during the past year with no secondary effect. I have had blood tests which showed no accumulation of metals. A month later, I made a complete eye examination. According to my ophthalmologist, if silver had accumulated in my body, there would have been visible deposits on retinas. He told me that my eyes were perfectly normal. In late 1997, I made a hair analysis and found high levels of silver, indicating that silver goes out of the body through normal channels.

The quantities shown correspond to an average consumption of 395 ml per day of a 10 ppm solution for one year Roger Altman (Doctor of Engineering Sciences) in 1999 published the results of an experiment on himself to determine the time needed for the body to eliminate silver. Here are his conclusions: Intake of properly prepared colloidal silver does not lead to the accumulation of silver in the body. There is nothing to say that silver is deposited in significant amounts in the hair and nails, in fact, the data suggest after intake of 2 mg of colloidal silver daily for several months, silver seems to be be absent from the body (primarily in urine) at virtually the same pace it is eaten.

In addition, when you stop ingesting colloidal silver, it appears that up to half of the silver remaining in the tissues will be eliminated (in urine and faeces, but increasingly in the faeces as time increases) in less than one month. This time relatively short can still be reduced significantly if we consume every day several liters of water. Of course a study like this, based on the metabolism and excretion rate of single individual, has a purely indicative, these factors are highly variable.

After ingestion of doses above 2 mg (or 200 ml of 10 ppm) on long periods, it is good to help the natural mechanisms to elimination by Adequate hydration of the body. Supplementation with selenium, vitamin E and sulfur may also become necessary. It would also be prudent to measure the accumulation level of silver in the body every six months. * * * Let’s finish with an edifying little story about the toxicity of colloids in general: "In colloidal form iodine, for example, is one of the essential elements of a healthy human cells. But if we were to drink a dose of 100 or 200 mg of free iodine, it would be fatal. "Dr. Frederick Macy [one of the best bacteriologists of the United States], that was about to give this explanation was a 250 ml cup filled with colloidal iodine.

"There is there, he says, the equivalent of 48 g free iodine, enough to kill 300 men. "At that time, he swallowed the contents of the cup. That form of iodine is not only harmless, but beneficial. It's the same for arsenic and other deadly poisons 6 No doubt the author could have, let alone mention silver ____________ 1 U.S Environmental and Protection Agency 2 Shouse, Samuel S. and Whipple, George H. : Effects of the Intravenous Injection of Colloidal Silver upon the Hemapoetic System in Dogs [Effects of intravenous colloidal silver in the system hémapoétique dogs], Journal of Experimental Medicine, 53, pp. 413-419, 1931. 3 MS Wysor, Orally-Administred Silver Sulfadiazine:

Chemotherapy and Toxicology in CF-1 Mice .... Chemotherapy (21), pp.. 302-310, 1975. Inc., New York, 1988. 4 Director, Division of Life Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences New York. 5 Let the amount contained in 380 liters of a solution of 10 ppm colloidal silver! 6 Kenneth Andrews, Chemistry's Miraculous Colloids [The miraculous chemical colloids), condensed Rockefeller Center Weekly, Reader's Digest, March 1936. 5 MAKING COLLOIDAL SILVER 1. The colloids The term "colloid" was used for the first time by Thomas Graham in 1861. It is a Greek word” Kolla”, which means "glue". It means a substance composed of ultra fine particles suspended in a different environment. These particles can be gas, liquid or solid.

The environment can also be gas, liquid or solid. The colloids have many forms of liquid or solid particles suspended in a liquid environment forming an emulsion (milk, latex, oil in water ...); liquid particles suspended in a gas environment in the form of fog, solid particles in suspension in a gas environment in the form of smoke. Blood and lymph fluids are also colloidal suspensions. To be used by the body, nutrients must be in crystalline or colloidal form. In a colloidal system or a colloidal solution, the particles must be insoluble: they do not dissolve in the solution or suspension.

Particle size plays a pivotal role in defining the type of system it is. Below 1 nanometer, the system will tend towards a "true" solution (or “Molecular system "). between 1 nm and 100 nm, the system can be described as" colloidal ". Above 100 nm, first of all there are most characteristics systems that are still of colloids, then into bigger suspensions. (see table p. 30). We cannot establish a clear point separating the true solutions of colloidal solutions because the transition is done gradually.

The stability of colloid particles depends on possible interaction with the solution or suspension. Some solutions owe their stability to the electric charges which are bearing colloidal particles: they repel each other and thus remain dispersed. Other solutions owe their stability to the use of a stabilizer (gelatin, starch, etc.) increasing the viscosity from the solution. 2. Silver colloïdal1 Colloidal silver is a type of colloid consisting of solid particles (silver) suspended in a liquid (distilled or deionized water).

Most Commercial products contain almost exclusively (80 to 95%) another form of silver called "ions.'' The term" colloidal silver "used to describe all the currently available commercial products is in fact misleading the scientific point of view. A silver ion is an atom of silver that is a missing electron. As a result, having lost a negative charge (electron), the silver ion carries a positive charge and becomes soluble (the solubility is limited and can be measured). The dissolved silver is no longer metallic and remains invisible even under the most powerful microscope; unlike colloidal silver, it does not reflect light. The silver metallic particles forming colloidal silver carry a negative charge not as positive as ions.

Table of particulate regions * 0.1 nm 1 nm 100 nm 100 μ 1 μ 1 mm true solutions colloidal solutions emulsions and suspensions of particles →increasingly coarse → region of the ultra microscope region of the microscope particles are driven by a Brownian motion ** no visible Brownian motion particles pass through ordinary filter paper particles are retained by ordinary filter paper particles show increased solubility particles have a normal solubility *According to Freundlich, [Herbert],

The Elements of Colloidal Chemistry (trad. English), Methuen & Co, London 1925 **the movement is a brownien disordered movement of particles suspended in a liquid or gas, produced by the impact of fluid molecules surrounding the particles. Electric charge of the particles: when dispersed in water having a low ionic strength, most solids acquire a negative charge called "zeta potential". This charge is in part due to the adsorption of ions from solution. The ionization of the water molecule dissociates into hydrogen ions (H +) and hydroxyl (OH-).

These latter are non-metallic ions which unite to atoms of the silver particles and and transmit their negative charge. When the zeta potential becomes lower than -30 mV, the colloid is considered to be stable because the particles repel each other with sufficient force to remain dispersed. 3. Production methods various methods were once used for the manufacture of colloids. for colloidal silver, three methods were employed. The method of mechanical grinding produced very large particles (of the order of 100 microns) which tended to settle to the bottom of the solution. To try to avoid precipitation, stabilizers were often added. These tended to decrease the silver action to compensate for this and they used some higher amount of silver, which created a potential risk of toxicity.

zThe chemical method was substitute for that of grinding. Product quality was better, but the disadvantage of this method, which was to form a colloid chemical precipitation by adding a reducing agent (usually a strong acid) to a silver salt (usually silver nitrate) is that the final product contained traces of used chemical products, and of course, it could have a harmful effect on the body The electrical method, also called "électrocolloïdale", is one that would ultimately prevail.

The cathode process (used for the first time in 1926) the addition of different configurations of electric arcs. The cathode method (electrolytic) is the simplest and safe. Silver electrodes are placed in a container of distilled water and a direct current is sent to the water through these electrodes. Electrolysis of water with pure silver electrodes pulls silver ions and the positive electrode is in solution. Is carrying a positive charge, they are attractedby the cathode (negative electrode).

They move very slowly because of the resistance in water and ideally few reach the cathode. When this occurs, the ions are neutralized on contact with the negative charge and forth to the metallic state of silver then deposited on the cathode to be cleaned regularly current technology Some manufacturers have striven, at the cost of long and costly effort to improve the basic process described above, the aim being to obtain the smallest particles possible and maximum stability of the product. For this, we must fully control various parameters, balance between other characteristics of the current (voltage, amperage, wattage) through special electronic circuits. To prevent fouling of the cathode, the models most are provided with a sophisticated system of polarity reversal, so the electrodes are self-cleaning. We'll provide more technical detail in Chapter 7, which presents various household appliances.

There are several variations of the electrical method: The process of low voltage direct current (abbreviated LVDC) uses voltages generally between 12 and 30 volts. The resulting solution contains about 90% of silver ions and 10% of metallic silver particles. EXPLANATIONS OF THE CHART VARIOUS COMPARATIVE PARTICLES SIZES AND PARTICLES (ROUGHLY LINEAR) 1/10 000 A human red blood cell (diameter 7.5 μ) B fragments of starch and rice grains (3-8μ) C kaolin particle suspension D anthrax, length: 4-15μ width: 1µ E cocci. Approx. 0,5 to 1µ, at times 2µ F particle of colloidal silver suspension (75-200 nm) G particle of colloidal silver solution (6 to 15 nm)

The process of high voltage AC power (HVAC English acronym) allows to switch 170 volts at the electrodes. The resulting solution contains about 80% of silver ions and 20% of metallic silver particles. Special processes using HVAC system to produce solutions that contain 80% of metallic silver particles and only 20% of silver ions. these particles are extremely fine (less than 2 nm on average) and the solution is very stable.

4. Characteristics of solutions of colloidal silver Particle size the main criterion of quality and efficiency of a solution of colloidal silver is the size of its particles. There is a close relationship between particle size and effectiveness of the product. Colloidal particles must be small enough not stick together among themselves. Indeed, beyond a certain size, they are attracted to each other and try to unite.

This can then make "a snowball", until silver precipitates and settles at the bottom of the solution under the action of gravity. Of course, the more there is silver precipitation over the product loses its effectiveness. In addition to the precipitation phenomenon mentioned above, the particle size also determines their contact surface with micro-organisms, and it determines much of the therapeutic value of the product.

More particles are more finer, their contact surface is extensive and they will be able to penetrate and disperse in the tissues. In other words, to increase the capacity of a germicidal silver amount given, it requires exposure to water up to metal surface. This is achieved by fragmenting silver in the smallest particles possible. Thus, a high- quality will contain a maximum particle size as small as possible. In an old product like collargol, the average particle size was 20 nm.

`The best current products have particles whose size falls below the nanometer. To give an idea of what this means, one of the tiniest virus, the cold virus (rhinovirus) has a size of 20 nm. Concentration The actual amount of silver in a colloidal solution is measured in milligrams per liter. In practice, we mostly use an equivalent measure: parts per million (ppm). This is the number of cash games (by weight) for each million parts of water. For example, 10 parts per million means 10 parts silver per million parts water (note 10 ppm) and equivalent to 10 mg / l. In the experience of users and manufacturers, and after the tests in laboratory, it appears that the condition does not require concentrations above 30 ppm.

Most commercial solutions have a concentration of 5, 10 or 20 ppm. As explained above, most particles are smaller; the solution is effective, for an amount of equivalent silver. Ingest, such as a piece of silver. One milligram of metal would not have much effect. By cons, if it was milligram divided into a million particles of silver, it would be much more efficient because each silver particle attacks a pathogenic microorganism. So, at the same concentration, this product is a million times more effective than the previous.

This is why it is not necessary to have high concentrations if the silver is divided into a maximum number of particles. Furthermore, the higher the concentration of particles increases, these particles will tend to agglomerate and finally precipitate. So that above 50 ppm, the solution would require a stabilizer to reduce its effectiveness Other quality criteria Water quality: colloidal silver should be prepared with high quality water (double or triple distillation or deionization). Indeed, if the water contains too strong particles to dissolve, the silver ions will combine with products such solids to form silver salt which is potentially toxic. In addition, such water has a conductivity too high which causes formation of large particles.

Tap water, mineral water and even water filtered by reverse osmosis are therefore prohibited. Researchers who have studied the properties and structure of water and have further concluded that distilled water was a "dead" and needed water to prefer to a non-denatured warm, deionized water. Quality of electrodes: the electrodes must also be a degree of purity sufficient to prevent the formation of ions of varying toxicity.

The purity is recommended typically 99.99%, but 99.9% also seems very acceptable, as shown the experiment conducted by Peter Lindemann: The total impurities eligible for silver to 99.9% should not exceed 1000 ppm. These impurities are: 1) copper (maximum 800 ppm), 2) lead (maximum 250 ppm), 3) iron (maximum 200 ppm), 4) bismuth (maximum 10 ppm) ...

When this product is used to produce électrocolloïdal silver at a concentration of 5 ppm, maximum impurities is reduced to 4 ppb (parts per billion) copper, 1.25 ppb lead, 1 ppb iron, .05 ppmd of bismuth. With such low rates it can reasonably be expected that there is no reason to worry… ... We asked for the test of a sample of 10 ppm colloidal silver, obtained with silver electrodes to 99.9%. The main impurities found were: 1) sodium (470 ppb), 2) calcium (260 ppb), 3) manganese (70 ppb), 4) potassium (50 ppb), 5) magnesium (24 ppb). None of these impurities cannot come from silver, this analysis suggests that we should be more concerned about the water quality rather than spending a fortune to obtain ultra pure silver.

To a simple silver thread, we will prefer a ribbon the width of which can vary between 6 and 25 mm. On one hand the duration of life of the electrode will be much longer, on the other hand the densité2 of the electric current will be at a lower level, which results in the production of finer particles. Color: a simple indicator, but fundamental the quality of an ionic colloidal silver solution is the color it has. In fact, we should say lack of color, since the best products are perfectly colorless. With the increase in concentration and / or particle size, there appears a certain color: pale yellow, then gold, brown, red and black. The brown, red and black indicate unacceptable quality products.

Note that the metal colloidal suspensions described below (Mesosilver, Advanced Colloidal Silver) are naturally brown. Stability, conservation: after a longer or shorter time, the silver particles eventually lose their charge and precipitate. To prolong the life of a product, it is good to keep it in containers made of glass. Plastic reacts with particles carrying an electrical charge that eventually precipitate. In addition, exposure to light quickly degrades the solution. Glass colored containers (brown or cobalt blue) help minimize this phenomenon. Some products claim a high "unlimited" quality life, this remains to see, but tests showed they were much less sensitive to the factors above and could remain at least a year or two without losing efficiency.

1 According to Francis Key and George Maas, Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles (internet document). 2 Intensity of current per unit area or volume of a conductor MANUFACTURERS We have selected below a few "high end” products to avoid some troubles to potential users. Indeed the market abounds with inferior, colloidal silver products, even dangerous, sold by people more concerned with their pockets than improving your health. Note that we have no particular link with the manufacturers listed and each is of course free to choose the brand they like.

Laboratory tests allow manufacturers to seriously control the quality of each batch obtained by measuring various parameters: the concentration of silver ions (metal particles ), electrical conductivity, particle size and distribution, the surface of contact of the particles, turbidity, pH, contaminants, zeta potential, that is to say, the force of attraction or repulsion between particles of a colloid, which was essential to know the electrostatic dispersion and stability of the solution.

1. Manufacturers of ionic solutions American Biotech Labs ( ABL was established in 1998 (under the name American Silver LLC) and is located in a small town in Utah (a state in the Western United States).

This is one of the few manufacturers owning a patent (since 2001) for its manufacturing process. Its product, called ASAP Solution ® is available in two concentrations (10 ppm and 22 ppm). It has been tested by Brigham Young University who have demonstrated efficacy in vitro against sixteen microorganisms the most widespread and cause serious infections (see p. 22). The company also engaged the services of an independent laboratory to conduct a toxicity study of its product on rats (see page 25).

ABL is constantly striving to collect new information on the effectiveness and uses of its product. Thus she began a double-blind clinical study (June 2003) and several studies that could be a landmark in the history of colloidal silver: - A major study of two and a half years (assessed by other experts); - Clinical studies with human in a number of hospitals in West Africa (see the first results p. xx); - A double-blind clinical trial on mouth sores, in one of the most Dental leading universities in America.

The ASAP Solution ® has been approved by the U.S. government as surface disinfectant, for commercial, industrial and domestic use. The company also hopes to soon obtain approval for its use in hospitals. American Biotech Labs was recently chosen by the U.S. Senate Committee for Internal defense, as one of the few companies that "contribute significantly to Homeland Security. 'The ASAP Solution ® is officially listed in the records of the Senate as a product that has "proven its ability to kill bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, E. coli, Salmonella, a large number of pathogenic yeasts and even the spore coal''.

Natural Corp. lmmunogenics. ( The company was founded in 1998 by Stephen Quinto and is located in Miami (Florida, USA). Working with a chemist from the University of Miami, Mr. Quinto (who among other has training in chemical engineering) was looking for a process that would obtain a product with'' revolutionary'' characteristics. This occurred in the late 1998 when the company has managed to produce a colloid of an incredible finesse. Further testing at the University of Miami confirmed the Antibacterial effectiveness of the new product, even at dilutions of 1%! In the early 1999,

Mr. Quinto built and equipped a laboratory dedicated to this new technology. It took another nine months of efforts to reproduce on a commercial scale (late 1999) the results obtained in the laboratory. An electron microscope was installed to eventually confirm that the laboratory is producing the tiniest silver particles ever seen (0.6-0.7 nm). The new product was introduced in the U.S. market in December 1999 under the name of Sovereign Silver. Two years later, came a product for professional use: Argentyn 23. Sovereign Silver which is a solution of 10 ppm, with particles whose size are between 0.6 and 3 nm. Each drop contains at least 100 million of silver particles (80% ionic).

The company's laboratory also analyzes the request, regarding: - The silver concentration (ppm); - Characterization of particles; - The comparative bacteriology: samples are evaluated vis-à-vis various "references to'' determine their bacteriological efficacy. SilverKare, Inc.. ( This company is based in Dallas (Texas, USA).

Its products are regularly analyzed by a large university laboratory. Results are published in 1999 by the University of North Texas are reproduced on page. Colloidal silver SilverKare has a concentration of 30 ppm with particles ranging in size between 5 nm and 15 nm. A REVOIR SilverKare has also developed an original method of preparation of water, after discovering that it was sensitive to various influences (magnetic, electric, gravity, sound, light, lunar phases).

This process maximizes the properties of the used water. The pH of the product is also the subject of care. According to SilverKare a properly balanced pH (That is to say, ideally, neutral), extends the life of the product. 2. Manufacturers of metal suspensions currently there are only two manufacturers in the world to offer this kind of product: Purest Colloids, Inc... (Www. .

This Company, based in New Jersey, was created by Francis Key, specialist in electrical engineering, computer science and various branches of physics and engineering. His scientific experience spans was over thirty-five years. Early in his career he has participated in setting Development devices for spatial task. He spent thousands of hours to research colloids and in particular for the production of colloid metal.

He also created a research and analysis on colloids, Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc.. ( equipped with the most advanced instruments. Francis Key runs a website ( devoted to the publication and dissemination of scientific information on colloidal silver. MesoprocessTM is the trademark of a patented process developed and perfected by scientists at the Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc.. It is a continuous process (not '' Lots ") capable of producing metal colloids of virtually any metal.

The details of the method of transformation that converts the solid metal particles of subnanometer size are kept secret, however the basic concept is known: the metal is first brought into a form that reduces to individual atoms. These are then "welded" into particles each consisting of nine atoms. The particles thus produced were of a diameter of 0.65 nm, or 2.6 times the diameter of an atom, they are then uniformly dispersed in a deionized water to produce a colloidal suspension of pharmaceutical grade. Mesosilver ® is a solution that contains 80% particles of metallic silver and 20% ion, for a concentration of 20 ppm. The laboratory also provides analysis services on demand (the particle size distribution, zeta potential, measuring the total ionic concentration and, etc..).

Utopia Silver, Inc.. ( This company based in Utopia, Texas (United States) was created by Bill and Denise Fernald in 1999 and manufactures two types of colloidal silver: Utopia Silver is the most common product, obtained by the method HVAC. It is very stable and contains about 20% and 80% metal particles of silver ions, for a concentration of 20 ppm. "It is the product most often mentioned in our testimony, said Bill Fernald, except for hepatitis C and other viruses. " Advanced Colloidal Silver is as Mesosilver ®, manufactured using very expensive and very complex equipment. It contains about 20% ionic silver and 80% silver metal, for a concentration of 20 ppm. These particles are extremely thin (less of 2 nm, some being 0.65 nm). This tiny size combined with high particle concentration produces a large contact surface.

The color of the product is brown, because of the "immense number of ultrafine particles." Note that Utopia regularly publishes a newsletter on user testimonials and has one of the largest "databases" of evidence currently available. 3. Ions or metal particles? Which of these two types of product is most effective? That's the question on which Experts have mixed views. Various theories and arguments advanced in favor of one or the other. What is certain, according to all testimony received, is that as products of high quality, both types seem equally effective. According to Bill Fernald, the silver ions work wonders for local applications and dressings (is applied to wounds with gauze soaked in a solution of colloidal silver), while metallic silver is more effective against infections especially the viral type. We can also assume that the efficiency is very dependent on particle size and exceptionally small sizes occur in all cases with exceptional results, the product is "ionic" or "metallic". 7 DOMESTIC APPLIANCES 1.

The different types of household appliances If you regularly consume and / or in large amounts of colloidal silver, there are on the market various devices that can provide excellent ionic solution of good quality for a very cheap price.

These low cost devices are generally in the form of a small box on which are "planted" two removable silver electrodes. This unit is powered by battery (s) or plugs into the sector. Some models are at the same time batteries and plugs we even have a "solar'' model! These devices are most often the type of low voltage direct current (LVDC), but it is also at least one manufacturer of high voltage alternating current (HVAC) processes we have mentioned above (see p. 32). Among the devices LVDC fall into two categories: models with constant voltage and constant current models.

LVDC devices, constant voltage models In this type of equipment (with a fixed voltage generally between 25 and 36 volts), reaction starts slowly because of the low conductivity of ultrapure water (at that time, the current is of the order of 0.25 mA). As silver ions are released, the conductivity increases and the production of ions is accelerated, thereby increasing the conductivity and so on.

So that after a certain time the current exceeds the limit from which it begins to make larger particles. For this reason, the concentration produced shall not exceed 10 ppm. LVDC devices, models with constant current In constant current devices the reaction starts as before, but very quickly, as the conductivity increases, the current regulator reduces the voltage in proportion and thus the particle size remains uniform. The voltage can drop up to 3 or 4 volts in order to maintain the desired current intensity and the concentration without increasing the size of the affected particles .

Of course, there are practical limits. Above 15 ppm usually occurs a phenomenon "agglomeration.'' If the water is shaken for production (with a small motor built an animating stirrer located between the two electrodes), this phenomenon, which corresponds to the appearance of slightly larger particles, can be avoided until the concentration of 20 ppm. In addition, agitation also prevents accumulation of acid and alkaline ions (due to the electrolysis of water) to each electrode, otherwise the phenomenon would lead to increased wear of electrodes and a load of smaller silver particles, so a lower stability of the final product. 2. Manufacturers of domestic appliances Peschel Instruments, lnc. (IIP) ( Type: constant voltage, LVDC. Located in Cape Coral (Florida, USA), this company has extensive experience in electronic equipment manufactured on request. It has been a supplier for forty years of research, for the industry and the army. Frederick Peschel, the Chief engineer for over thirty years participated in the development of many innovations in the medical field and the high-voltage electronic sector. PII has spent considerable time and means to develop a system for producing colloidal silver to prevent the formation of salts or of silver crystals.

Mr. Peschel is trying to maximize the production of ions (up to 99%), because for him they are the form of silver the most effective and most "assimilable". Its high bioactivity eliminates the need for high concentrations and appliances IIP are programmed not to exceed 5 ppm. Models available: Collgen 2 (price: $ 300) that produces 4 liters in 3 hours.

Collgen 5 (price: $ 500), originally planned for commercial and industrial uses, produced more than 4 liters per hour. IIP has also developed a mobile deionizer (price: $ 50) capable of providing ultrapure water from commercial distilled water. 3. CS ProSystems, Inc.. (Www. Type: constant voltage, HVAC. This company, based in San Antonio (Texas), was founded in 1990 by Bruce Marx, an engineer turned a naturopathic doctor.

He fashioned a first device operating at 60 volts continuous, which produced, based on his words, acceptable colloidal silver". He is working in collaboration with laboratories, so he could observe scientific products obtained by varying certain parameters. He discovered that the more the voltage rose, the quality product also increased. Thus in 1994, he developed the process HVAC (High Voltage Alternative Current: AC high voltage) and in 1997 a refinement of this process called Pulse MHVAC Phasic Process (Medium High Voltage Alternative Current), which provides a voltage of 170 volts at the electrodes. Ten models are available, including: Uni-Phase 128, model electrodes 9. Production capacity: 4 liters to 10 ppm in 11 minutes, or 4 liters to 18 ppm in 15 minutes. Price: $ 412.

Uni-Phase 16, 3-electrode model. Production capacity: 0.5 liter to 10-12 ppm in 20 minutes. Price: $ 175 (manual model). Price: $ 210 (automatic model). Uni-Phase 48, 3-electrode model. Production capacity: 1.5 liter to 10-12 ppm in 25 min. Price: $ 213 (manual model). Price: $ 250 (automatic model).

Also are available, two models of nebulizers (priced around $ 100) plus a portable model at $ 10. Biophysica, Inc.. (Www. Type: constant current, LVDC. Located in Toronto (Canada), Biophysica, Inc.. is a consulting firm that has the expertise of a biologist, a physician, a physicist, an electrical engineer, a homeopath and radionistes. In the field that interests us, the company offers four models of devices, which prices vary between $ 200 and $ 800.

The production quality is top-notch. Three of these models are equipped with a control alternating current. This means that each electrode turns alternately positive (anode) and negative (cathode). This helps balance the wear electrodes and minimize oxide deposits or acid ion and alkali on the electrodes. Each current polarity is controlled by a constant current circuit. Silvergen (www.silvergen. Com) Type: constant current, LVDC. Located in Washington State, Silvergen sells three models of devices domestic use.

The most advanced models are: SG6 Auto (price: $ 200), equipped with a motorized stirrer and producing uniformly very fine particles (1 to 5 nanometers) without agglomeration. Therefore, the solution is perfectly colorless and transparent, even at maximum concentration of 20 ppm. The concentration is adjustable between 5 and 20 ppm. SG7 Pro model has a high speed / high capacity (price: $ 600) that can produce batches of 20 liters in a very short time. As Biophysica models described above, the polarity of the electrode is reversed at regular intervals.

This allows the electrodes to be self-cleaning PRACTICAL USE The practical uses of colloidal silver are so numerous that their only limit seems to be that of imagination! 1. General Uses disinfectant Given the high germicidal power of colloidal silver, it can be used as preservative (canned) and as a disinfectant: - In spray in the kitchen and the bathroom to remove fungi and mildew; - On sponges, toothbrushes, combs and hair brushes; - On damp cloth to prevent mold growth; - To rinse fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.. Water purification Another important application is the purification of water. N.R. Thomson1 said his research on silver colloids showed that the amount of silver required in sterilizing water containing pathogens ranges between 40 and 200 gamma, that is to say 0.04 to 0.2 ppm (one to four teaspoonfuls of a solution of colloidal silver to 10 ppm per liter of water).

Treatment of plants Those who have tried colloidal silver on plants reported excellent results, either by spraying the solution (one tablespoon to one litert of water) on leaves or in the slope at the base of the plant. Colloidal silver is effective against bacteria, viruses, mushrooms and fungi that attack plants, flowers and fruits.

3. Medical Uses The silver colloids can be introduced into the body in various ways: ingestion, inhalation or nebulization, local application. In special cases, and only under medical supervision, they can also be administered by intravenous and intramuscular injection, as well as infusions. They can also be used in enemas and as feminine wash. Ingestion Colloidal silver will be usually taken with an empty stomach or without food. However the intake of a meal will promote digestion by preventing misfermentations.

When the solution is kept for a few minutes in the mouth (sublingual absorption), it spread more rapidly in blood. Inhalation and nebulization A nebulizer makes inhaling of colloidal silver easy, these tiny droplets reach the alveoli and are on the surface of the lung tissue, killing contact pathogens that infect the lungs. Local application Colloidal silver is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive. It is very effective on burns and dermatitis resulting from contact with poisonous substances, like the sap of certain plants and the secretions of certain insects (Bees, spiders, ants).

Some users use it on the scalp to remove dandruff and as a deodorant. Dressings when a strip of gauze is soaked with colloidal silver then air-dried, the particles of silver are absorbed in the absorbent fibers of the dressing. The non-absorbent fibers become covered with a thin film of metallic silver. Such dressings (this can be a simple tape or large gauze bandages) fight infection and speed up the healing (burns, abrasions, cuts). Dressings can also be applied wet.

This will kill bacteria in open wounds and prevent infection. A REVOIR 3. dosage internal use As noted in Chapter'' Toxicity and side effects, "there has never been any identified case of toxicity in terms of the current solutions of colloidal silver quality. And a detoxification reaction (see p. 26) seems to be the only "side effect'' likely to occur, in fact that is an evidence of efficacy of the product. There is no established standard dosages because of many variables: concentration and quality of the solution of colloidal silver, severity of illness, individual reactions, etc..

Clinical studies are needed to determine more effective dosages according to the different conditions and the different products available. We must not forget that silver is also (and primarily) a mineral,a special micronutrient, and should therefore have a role to play in the body. According to Dr. Gary Smith, a malfunction of the immune system could be related to a deficiency in silver. By analyzing samples of hair, I have found a correlation between low silver and disease. People whose hair contained low levels of silver were frequently sick. They were constantly victims of colds, flu, fevers, etc.. I believe that a deficiency in silver could be the root cause of an immune system malfunction.

Those who have studied the Hounza people 2 concluded that their third "secret" in addition to their diet and lifestyle, could be highly mineralized ice water that they consume. Minerals in colloidal form are here and have large amount of silver in suspension. In 1940, RA Kehoe3 figured that the dose of silver naturally absorbed through consumption of fruits and vegetables was about 50 to 100 mcg per day, in the form of micronutrients.

The average value of 75 mcg is a teaspoonful of a colloidal silver solution to 10 ppm. Another study in 19,664 finds only 10 to 20 mcg per day, which should match the general demineralization observed in the soil over the years. According to the "Earth Summit Report" of 1992, the levels of minerals in the soil in North America were down to 85% as compared to those that existed a century earlier. To reach the level of pre-industrial times, it may seem reasonable to double the above dose. We can therefore state that supplementation of two to three teaspoons per day of a colloidal silver solution 10 ppm represents a "nutrition" dose and that beyond that amount (that is to say beyond a tablespoon), we reach a therapeutic level.

Manufacturers suggest that the doses generally remain within the limits nutrition, here are some examples: PII: Humans have about 100 000 billion cells! As silver colloidal ion contains more than 100 000 billion ions per tablespoon (a 5 ppm), this represents a sufficient dose for maintenance.

Moreover, the liver eliminates silver within about two hours, we must take it then at all hours or every two hours to maintain a therapeutic dose. The dosage developed by EPA is 14 teaspoons a day (for a concentration of 5 ppm) throughout life (70 years) and take a spoonful per hour is both safe and wise in case of infection. Utopia Silver: Our Advanced Colloidal Silver ... is so effective within the body that the recommended daily dosage for adults is only 1 teaspoon. They recommend one tablespoon per day maintenance dose for ionic solution HVAC.

American Biotech Labs recommends against much higher doses without specifications that must be of therapeutic doses: It is recommended that at least one tablespoon 2 times a day for people over 12 years, and 2 teaspoons 2 times a day for children between 5 and 11 years should be taken. For children under 5 years is recommended 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. This is of course unclear since we don’t know if this is the solution of 10 ppm or 22 ppm (two available concentrations of the ASAP Solution ®).

Based on the testimony contained in the following chapter, we set the table below which illustrates the extreme diversity of tests performed; these go from a 1 tablespoon a day for 3 weeks to 1 liter per day for 2 weeks! Needless to say this table is purely "anecdotal" and cannot be used to determine the tests.

Because the body quickly eliminates some of the ingested colloidal silver, we should, in acute case, divide the total daily dose taken frequently, every hour or even every quarter of an hour. As with antibiotics, do not stop this "regime" at the disappearance of symptoms, because then we will be exposed to a relapse.

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